PDFBear: The Most Accessible Tool to Edit PDF Spreadsheets

Portable Document Format or PDF are created by programmers as a file format to display electronic documents across different platforms. Regardless of the data processor used by the sender or the receiver, the document will be seen as it is. This, and the fact that PDFs have relatively small file sizes, is why many people would prefer files to be sent as PDF files. 

The most disappointing disadvantage of PDF is its non-modifiable nature. As you may have known from your experience, PDFs are not the type that can be easily edited unless you have a tool that allows you to do so. Hence, if there are changes in your spreadsheet, there is no way you can easily modify it. Thankfully, you have come across this article to give you tips. 

How to address a slight mistake in your PDF spreadsheet?

The solution is pretty simple. Convert PDF to Excel by using a PDF to Excel Converter. PDFBear is the greatest option for converting files. It is a web-based platform that does not just allow conversion of file formats but also offers other services, which include modifying PDF contents, encrypting and decrypting files, even merging and splitting PDF. 

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How to convert PDF to Excel with PDFBear?

PDFBear is a website that makes everything convenient for its users. It is manifested with its website’s layout. If you try to visit it, it is designed to be easily navigated even by those persons who do not have that much knowledge of websites. It is also manifested with their straightforward direction, which you can accomplish in no time. 

First Step: Upload your files to the server

Once you have opened the PDFBear website and have clicked PDF to Excel Converter, you may upload your PDF file on the server. There are two ways to upload. The first one is to click the select file button and locate the PDF from the folders of your device where you saved it. The second option is to drag the file directly from your device and drop it on the converter box. 

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Second Step: Conversion process

Once you are already done uploading, you may proceed to the second step. It is the part where the platform does all the job for you using its top-notch technology. It will extract your PDF file and convert it into Excel. PDFBear boasts an outstanding preservation tool, so it is assured that none of the elements of the original file will be omitted during the process. 

Third Step: Wait for the process to finish 

Another manifestation of the convenience feature of PDFBear is its capacity to make things faster for its users. The website creators understand that most of the people using the website are those who treat time as the most important thing in the world. Hence, they engineered PDF to perform the process in the shortest time possible, about two to three minutes.  

Fourth Step: Download your PDF to your device

You will know that the conversion process is done once the website renders your file. In this step, you will be brought to a download page where you can save the excel version of your PDF, ready for you to edit. After at least an hour of the process completion, your uploaded file will be deleted on the server as part of the website’s protocol to protect its users’ privacy. 

Also Read  PDFBear: Instantly Convert Your Files Online From PDF to Excel

Additional Features of the great PDFBear

Aside from the convenient experience and impressive quality PDFBear offers, it also demands minimal requirements for the users to access the services. Unlike software that requires hassle installation and gives you the risk of a lagging device, PDFBear only asks its consumers for an internet connection since everything is done online through cloud storage. 

The website has a wide range of compatibility. It can work with different devices like phones, tablets, or computers. It can also work with various operating systems like Mac, Linux, or windows and even with different web browsers like chrome, internet explorer, or Mozilla. Whatever platform you are using, PDFBear will work with it without giving you the hassle. 


PDF is a great file format. However, it also has its downside, which can be a complete disservice to the things it can offer, especially if you do not know how to address it. Its non-modifiable nature can be mitigated by converting your PDF to Excel. This way, you can easily edit your spreadsheet without using a considerable amount of money for software.

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