How to Become Oracle Database Certified

Oracle is considered as the most sophisticated and complex databases throughout the world, and there is a requirement of several college-level skills to get mastery of this complex set of computer programs. It is like an arguable matter for previous times, though it is pretty sure that the Certification of Oracle offers an exact measure of an individual’s tech skills. Moreover, it provides you with an advantage over those who compete for positions of database administration positions which you wanted to get. Oracle comes up with a mass of software and hardware solutions that are aimed to make simpler and authorize Information Technology. However, it is mainly popular for its best database-software; the organization would provide cloud resolutions, storage, engineered systems, servers and many more. There are 435,000 customers are owned by the Oracle across 176 states, whereas 139,000 staff is working there and the income is more than $36.8 billion.

Here Are The Steps To Getting An Oracle Database Certification

Associate Certification

The most initial phase to get Oracle is to attain the Associate-Certification, as it is requiring the clearance of 2 tests by a person to turn into an Oracle-Certified-Associate i.e. OCA. By owing this accreditation, you are allowed to work in the subordinate database-management like the member of the team or else work as an app developer.

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Step 1: Take One Of The Following Three Courses

 If you want to achieve associate cert, you are required to clear in any of the one tests which are mentioned below. 

  • Oracle-Database 12c: S-Q-L Fundamentals 1Z0-061: Oracle is considered as the most sophisticated and complex databases throughout the world and there is a requirement of several college-level skills to get mastery on this complex set of computer programs.
  • Oracle-Database S-Q-L Expert 1Z0-047: Generally, it’s an innovative variety of test of “Intro to Oracle9i S-Q-L”. You would have command in the seventy-six topics to get accomplishment in this examination. You have to own detailed knowledge regarding system-level queries, control-privileges, and database- objects.
  • Oracle-Db 11-g: S-Q-L – Fundamentals ( I-1.Z.0-0.5.1): There is a content which is the most updated one, as well as it comprises set and conditional-operators, that are not available in the previous version.

Step 2: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I 1Z0-052

This test needs an understanding of the ways of setting up the environments of database and provides security to Oracle instances in most of the network setting. There are different models which required to clear this examination comprises the knowledge of recovery and database-backup, arrangement of security-instances, along with Oracle-Database-Architecture. The queries are requiring app of ideas, not only to memorize the info. This helps you in becoming DBA.

Professional Certification

The Professional Cert lets the person keep managing big databases and generate a huge amount of database apps. In a sum up, if you want to turn into an Oracle-Certified-Professional i.e. OCP, you are required to get the course of instructor-led, an examination and the practical course.

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Step 1: Be an Oracle Certified Associate

You have to own the O-C-A cert as a condition for that course.

Step 2: Take an Exam

Another phase-in process of O-C-P cert is to get the course from a variety of fifty courses and get sit in an examination. List of those courses is accessible on Oracle website. The wide-ranging choice refers to the fact that a person can select a course which is greatly suitable to the training necessities. It must be noted that you wouldn’t meet the necessities of the course via self-studying; you must get the classes of instructor-led, some virtual classes or else get knowledge via training on demand.

Step 3: Submission of an Already Completed Course

In that phase, you have to get submitted a course which you have previously completed from the listing of twenty-one courses. On the other side, Oracle permits the submissions from those courses which were taken earlier.

Step 4: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II 1Z0-053

It’s the last examination in process of O-C-P cert. As soon as you clear the examination, you would carry on to the last procedure.

Step 5: Submit a Course Completion Form

As soon as you are done with this examination, you are only required to do with the submission of course as the last phase in the process of O-C-P cert.

Master Certification

Master Certification is considered as the uppermost Oracle cert which you would get. By owing this, you would be compatible to keep working in the high levels in the department of IT and managing critical database-system issues as well as apps. You would require an O-C-P cert to go ahead. Then you would get an exam of 2 days along with a practical course.

Step 1: Get Certificate

The Oracle.Certified.MasterI.e. OCM demandsa person to obtain cert of the OCP at first.

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Step 2: Complete Two Advanced Courses

Another phase is to complete the 2 courses from listing of thirty courses. Few of the courses might overlap with the ones that are offering in process of O-C-P cert. However, individuals who want to get the O-C-P cert would not be utilized in the phase of this stage on account to fulfil the requirements of OCM. Moreover, having the courses of OCP cert, you are required to get such courses in the classroom setting, via virtual-class, or else get them by training on request.

Step 3: Submit a Completed Course

This phase is similar to the counterpart OCP where you will submit archive course from the listing of 20 given courses or else from such listing which was available in past phase.

Step 4: Oracle – Db 1.1-g: Certified Master – Exam 1.1-G.O.C.M

Clearing this examination significantly fulfils the requirements of learning for the whole process of Oracle cert. But, there’re still some of the essential steps to get the OCM cert.

Step 5: Submission of a Fulfillment Kit Request

That kind of form is submitted too with the submission of course form, thus it’s the final prerequisite for the process of Master Cert.


Generally, the database administrators who are Oracle Certified as well as gained knowledge from data analytics Bootcamp – own the understanding of the ways to running databases on the senior and junior levels; depends on the level of certification. Few individuals debated that there is very less point to get the certification because the procedure is involving to memorize the hypothetical concepts along with taking MCQs. Being a database administrator of Oracle Certified, potential companies and customers are getting convinced more easily from your skills.

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