Car Transport Carriers: What They Do?

Car transport companies (carriers) take care of the cars they ship. They ensure that everything is done to keep the car in its original condition and that accidents are avoided at all costs. 

Interstate car carriers use different types of equipment to carry the vehicles. They may be Motorhomes (private self-contained recreational vehicles with a hitch and storage compartment), Trailers (car carrying devices for standard semi-trucks), Flatbeds (a flat platform with no sides or front or back, usually used for transporting bulky items), or Open Top Vehicles (non-enclosed vehicle without a roof). The type deemed most effective by most car moving companies is open top because it makes it easy to load and unload cargo while maintaining climate control inside. 

Car Transport companies are not allowed to ship cars if their vehicle registration is expired, missing, or has been suspended. If this happens, the car owner must resolve all issues before shipment and pay for any fines resulting from them for his car to be transported. Additionally, the sender and receiver involved in the transaction may face legal charges if they fail to comply with proper documentation or payment. 

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A driver’s job is to transport the car safely and securely, preventing its damage on roadways. Car carriers use GPS systems to monitor their trailers at all times so they don’t leave them unattended or parked illegally. 

What is open carrier vehicle shipping? Open car shipping is a form of automobile transportation, wherein your vehicle remains in the open during transport. This is currently the most common kind of vehicle transportation. Statistics suggest that about 90% of cars are transported by precisely these means.

Some companies have developed innovative ways of transporting cars without damaging them during transport. 

Responsibility of car transport companies 

In case of an accident, the motor carrier is primarily responsible for knowing its vehicle’s limitations. Therefore, car transport companies are obligated to take necessary precautions to keep vehicles secure during transportation. They require to maintain the vehicles that will carry the client’s vehicle to the destination for utmost safety. In addition, the driver must follow all applicable federal and state laws when transporting each car. 

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Car carriers are not held responsible for damages resulting from natural disasters, theft, or fire.  

However, they do charge extra fees in cases where the customer requests special protection for their vehicle during shipment (i.e., airbags) or requests that their cargo be transported on a flatbed truck instead of a trailer. 

Smaller companies may subcontract their work out to larger ones that can handle more shipments at any given time. This should not be seen as a sign of incompetence but rather an indication of the company’s effort to maintain high-quality standards. 

Car carriers are also responsible for proper documentation. They need to have the title or bill of sale, car registration certificate, and driver’s license or ID. It is recommended that you get all these documents checked by your local DMV before you book with any carrier. The license plate must match the registration certificate because otherwise, they won’t transport it without further identification. 

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Carriers need to have a good safety record and be insured in case of damage while transporting. They should also carry workers’ compensation insurance for their employees so that you will not be held responsible for on-the-job accidents or injuries. 

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