7 Reasons Why Your Monday Will Be Really Good

Anyone who visits their social media channels on Monday morning and checks Facebook or Instagram will be bombarded with posts lamenting Monday. Nothing is worse than this one day – a true catastrophe.

But as of today, you won’t take part in this nonsense anymore. You no longer let yourself be dragged down but put the positive sides in the foreground. These seven ideas will help you.

You Do Exactly What You Want To Do

Please be clear about one thing: if you drive to a lecture on Monday morning, sit down at your desk to study early, or hike to the library in the dark, you do it for one important reason: you want it that way.

Of course, it can be annoying when you are brought back to the hard everyday university life right after the weekend, but in the end, you are doing exactly what you want to do: you want to study. you want to learn something You want this degree. And just because some small steps toward your big goal are uncomfortable, doesn’t mean you should complain or give up. You knew beforehand that it wasn’t going to be easy – but you’re strong enough to make it anyway.

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You Lead A Self-Determined Life

If studying becomes stressful or uncomfortable, you must not forget that you made a conscious decision to study. Maybe you didn’t know 100 percent what to expect before, but you have the privilege of being able to choose how you live your life.

Nobody forces you to study. You lead a self-determined life and can decide individually how you divide your time. And it was within the framework of this freedom that you decided to study. With all the advantages, but also all the consequences.

So, after all, it’s your choice, and if you don’t want to go anywhere on Monday and choose not to do your tasks and just hire essay writing services, you should be ready for the outcomes. 

You Choose How You Feel

Your thoughts have a huge impact on how you feel. Of course, you can’t completely control your feelings – but you can influence them through your thoughts. Positive and negative.

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This means: You can decide for yourself how you feel on a Monday morning. Does the bad mood prevail because you have to get up early and don’t really feel like it? Or would you rather start the week optimistically and try to surpass yourself? Try to set a mental focus and consciously choose a positive mindset.

You Learn Something New

By enrolling at your university, you have concluded an investment contract: you will invest in yourself for the next 3-5 years. In your education and your future.

And with every day that you do something for your studies and learn something new, your investment pays off more. Every day that you take your studies seriously and get better, you increase your output. That’s why your commitment every Monday is valuable and will take you further.

You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Keep Evolving

Your greatest personal improvements happen outside of your comfort zone. If everything came easy to you and you never had to overcome or exert yourself, you would never surpass yourself.

You would always stay at a constant level instead of evolving. That’s why every new day that you jump over your shadow and venture out of your comfort zone is a success for you.

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You Meet Your Fellow Students Again

Studying would be boring without your fellow students. Sure: Basically, your education and your university career are the focus, but it’s the people you study with that make your time at the university something special.

And every Monday is a little reunion with your fellow students, some of whom are or will soon be your best friends. That little reunion alone makes Monday a good day.

You Don’t Let Yourself Be Influenced And Do Your Thing

Do you let yourself be infected by the prevailing mood or do you go about your thing undeterred, without letting yourself be influenced from outside? And the much more important question: How would you like to be? Free, independent, optimistic, or manipulable and biased?

No question: You want to do your own thing – and you will be able to do it. Just don’t allow yourself to be distracted by external influences. You know where you want to go, and no one will deviate you from this path.

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