6 Mental Illness Symptoms to Watch Out for in College

Mental wellness has become a significant concern among students. Despite several ongoing campaigns and awareness on mental well-being, it is sometimes hard for some students to accept their illness and seek treatment for fear of being judged. Most collegians are suffering from mental conditions but put up a silent battle. It may be because they do not pick up the red flags early enough. If not managed properly, conditions such as anxiety and depression can escalate to severe levels. The ongoing symptoms may cause frequent stress, lack of morale to undertake academic activities and lower academic and social output. Here are some signs you need to watch out for to ensure you seek help early. 

The Ongoing Symptoms

Personality Changes

Gradual personality changes may go unnoticed. However, they are a significant sign of several mental illnesses. Experiencing mood fluctuations is also a common occurrence for many individuals, and thus, it is easy to ignore such a symptom. However, a sudden unusual change in personality is not regular. For example, if you are anxious and aggressive over a situation that would typically not tip you over, you should take that as a warning sign.

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Withdrawal and Isolation

The constant need to detach oneself from their social circle is a symptom that should not be ignored. Sometimes people going through mental issues still feel alone even in the company of their friends. So if you are hanging out with friends but you are mentally not into what they are doing, then it could be a sign that something isn’t right. 

Also, you might suddenly lack interest in being around people such as family and friends, and you might prefer doing things alone, especially things that you usually enjoy doing with others. You need to be keen enough to note such signs and seek help if necessary. 

Easily Get into Arguments and Fights

You may get into meaningless fights and arguments with friends and even ruin your relationship with family members. Such behavior can be a sign of anxiety and depression. Stress can lead to a mental breakdown and meltdowns. If you are frequently experiencing meltdowns and can’t seem to control them, it is best to seek medical intervention before the situation escalates. 

Loss of Care for One’s Well Being 

People developing a mental illness or living with it sometimes lose interest in taking care of their health, personal grooming, and appearance. As the symptom escalates, it reflects even in your performance and how you handle your classwork. You might lack the zeal to concentrate on schoolwork and depend on essay writing help. 

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Additionally, to escape from the daily life stressors such as school work and having to keep up with a damaged social life, some people may resort to alcohol and drug abuse since their reality is harsher than their subconscious. So if you suddenly start drinking too much, it could be a sign to check on your mental wellness.

Truancy and Lateness

A student with mental illness may abscond classes or constantly come to class late. It is easy for teachers and parents to mistake this for unruly behavior. However, the student may be going through depression.

Depression lowers a person’s energy, and they may find it hard to get out of bed. An adult going through depression may find it challenging to step out of the house and head to work; this is also a similar occurrence with students. A student going through anxiety may also find it challenging to stay in a place with a large crowd which makes going to school difficult.  

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Reduced Need or Lack of Sleep 

Dramatic sleep pattern changes are another symptom you should not overlook. Getting enough sleep directly impacts our mental health, especially for students, since your brain gets to relax after a long day. 

Lack of adequate sleep interferes with your mood, and those suffering from conditions such as bipolar, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia experience it the most. Therefore, if you find yourself hitting high levels of insomnia, it is best to seek professional help.  

Feeling Hopeless and Overwhelmed

Sometimes school can get us to where we feel hopeless, but we snap out of it. However, if you are constantly going down this road and can’t seem to bring yourself off from feeling such emotions, you probably need to see a counselor before the situation worsens. It may be a sign of anxiety or other mental illnesses, or maybe you are just giving in to depression from school pressures.

The Take-Away

As you try to meet your deadlines and achieve your academic targets, ensure you are also mindful of your mental health. The symptoms mentioned above are gradual, but they can reach the full-blown level without proper management and care. Recognizing them may help mitigate the severity of the illness and quicken the recovery process. 

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