Virtual Employee Training Challenges That A Good LMS Software Can Overcome

With the onset of the pandemic, digitalization has hit all the windows. It has impacted all sectors by changing the dynamics. 

With the rapidly evolving world, the expectations of both the workplace and the employees started evolving too. The workplaces and the L&D teams are now expected to come up with a plan of action that is fruitful for both the employees as well as the organization. 

All this can be easily achieved if organizations try to increase the efficiency of the training programs. But this isn’t as easy as it seems. It requires rigorous efforts in determining specific training challenges that learners face and adopting an LMS software that can help in overcoming those challenges. Let’s explore this further. 

Challenge#1: Less Time for Training

With busy schedules and already booked work weeks, it becomes difficult for the employees to assign dedicated time to complete their training programs. Overburdening the employees leads to reduced efficiency and low attention span, which makes learning even more cumbersome and boring.

How to tackle this issue?

An LMS is highly useful in catering to such issues as dissemination of training material can be done using microlearning and mobile learning approaches. In microlearning, the training is imparted in bite-sized chunks, which makes it easier for employees to digest and understand the material. It consists of infographics, short videos, quizzes, etc to keep the attention of the learner hooked. This enables them to integrate training into their busy schedules, thus making learning easier to plan.

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Also, microlearning improves knowledge retention by making the training content interesting and easy to digest. Furthermore, adapting your training programs to mobile learning also helps the employees to access the material anytime, anywhere.

Challenge#2: Complex Training Material

The core purpose of any effective training program is employee upskilling, but if the training material is too technical, scattered, or poorly organized, the employees don’t just get disengaged but face immense difficulties in understanding the concepts.

How to tackle this issue?

Training content should be drafted in plain and easy-to-understand language as they won’t have to revisit the content time and again to clear their concepts and remember them better. 

If learners understand what they are reading in one go, their memory retention and attention span increase drastically.  

An LMS such as Trainual enables the instructors to create highly engaging content courses with dozens of customizations to hone the skills of the employees.

Organizations should conduct content audits from time to time to understand what content formats are outdated and what needs updating. This also increases the course relevancy and makes the training program effective.

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One more effective solution to this problem is understanding the habits of the learners. Some better understand the concepts when the information is put out in an infographic form, a pdf, or more. Thus, catering to the learners’ needs can immensely increase the relevancy of the training program.

Challenge#3: Employees Feel Less Engaged and Lonely

When it comes to learning, every employee has a different learning pace and grasping power. In a traditional learning setup, this is the most common challenge organizations face as they force the employees to follow a standard learning pace which becomes difficult for many.

How to tackle this issue?

The fact that LMS training courses come with features like self-paced learning allows the learners to understand and grasp the material according to their learning pace. Also, it gives them the benefit of understanding the matter using different methods that are more engaging and interactive, such as quizzes, discussion forums, etc. The organizations can create informal online spaces where the learners can interact and meet virtually for discussions, spark associations and make them feel less isolated and aloof.

It is very important for the organizations to clearly define the training objectives beforehand to establish an active learning culture, this way, the learners will also begin the training with clear objectives that are expected of them for this training program and participate accordingly.

Challenge#4: Irrelevancy of Training Material

The biggest motivation behind training programs for learners is their relevance in their routine work life and whether the knowledge gathered will be of any use for upskilling and meeting the business objectives.

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However, if the training material is not relevant or is outdated, the whole purpose gets defeated, resulting in employee disengagement and a waste of time and the organization’s resources.

How to tackle this issue?

Investing in a good LMS gives you the flexibility of storing all the training material efficiently and editing it at the time of update. This improves the content relevancy and keeps it up-to-date.

Furthermore, with the help of LMS features, post-training feedback can be gathered to determine the relevancy/effectiveness of the training material to know what they found useful and engaging and what was redundant and needs an upgrade.

This way, the overall learner experience is improved, and greater satisfaction is achieved.


Training is not just about completing a course and getting rewarded; it’s more about the knowledge and skills acquired during the program hence the process should be such that it brings real value to both the employees as well as the organization. Keeping their ever-evolving nature in mind, the overall training methods and materials should be timely optimized in a way that fosters customer delight and creates an excellent learning culture.

Investing in a good LMS helps greatly in overcoming common challenges by offering the employees scalable & customized training programs.

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