TopMarketCap Reviews 2021 – An Assessment of This Broker’s Features


Have you been in search of a broker for your trading and have the options in the market confused you too? Then maybe you should run through this review once before you start your search again.

You see, I was in this exact same position a year ago as I was also looking for a decent brokerage firm. Ever since these firms have gone online, there have been too many options to choose from. This is because every other broker has set up an online server to cater to traders in the global market. Guaranteed that the requirement is just as immense yet still the options are too many to select from.

I got on board with the online trading scene four years ago and ever since then, I have had many experiences, some good and some bad. With the huge number of brokerage options available in the market, this has also opened doors for tricksters to set up spam servers. You will lose a lot of money and time if you sign up to these servers and this is exactly why traders today are apprehensive about choosing the right brokerage firms.

In my review today, I will be highlighting my experience with one of the best brokerage companies available in the market today. I joined TopMarketCap almost a year ago and ever since then I have been a loyal client.

The Window of Unlimited Opportunities

TopMarketCap is an online broker that targets the distribution of financial instruments along with set alternatives such as Stocks, Indices, Cryptocurrency, Forex and Commodities. The way this forex broker lays out a server with characteristic features in enticing to the trader. So from the get-go, you will want to know more about the platform.

I was able to take into account the variety of deals that the platform paves for its clients. Even though while browsing the platform, I also had to come to terms with the platform’s target clientele. This representative is on the lookout for traders of all kinds and experience levels. This is why the server is optimised for easy navigation while also leaving enough room for integrated graphics. Veteran traders will find the integration of advanced tools and features really appealing as that is what sets the platform apart from the rest.

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TopMarketCap can be perceived as one of the veterans of the trading circuit, taking all things under consideration. The sheer size of the investment contributions you can make using this platform itself is immense. The currency pairs offered by the platform at present include most of the ones I invest in such as USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, Bitcoin and a whole other CFDs. I was able to keep track of my investments using the platform’s analytical tools.

State-of-the-art Technology 

Traders that invest in this platform will find the technological input very appealing. I had much about these features from several FX message boards and several account evaluations by the Trustpilot page. The stock report bar for example is one of the best inputs as it comprehensively highlights the current state of the market. I would have preferred had they introduced the bar with a different colour, as the dark backdrop does not let you get a good visual of the information that is displayed.

art Technology

Usually, with online trading platform servers, you will see that it takes time for the pages and integrated graphics to load, but with TopMarketCap I found that each page processed without a glitch. This was despite the fact that the pages have dynamic features. The financial information has been laid out for traders to make good use of.

Security Regulations

TopMarketCap abundantly displays its security policies in its integrated disclaimer. It features a warning regarding the risks of trading with high leverage and volatile financial instruments. I was able to perceive a lot of information regarding trading policies from the platform’s uploaded legal documentation. This solid binding ensures that the network of operations on this platform runs smoothly.

You may find the registration processes a little overwhelming at first but they are necessary to uphold the standards of security. Some of the best security networks have been set up by this platform. There have been times with other platforms when I have had to hire third-party software companies to secure my trade operations. But with TopMarketCap you will find that every service is inclusive within the platform’s own domain.

Fund Transfers

TopMarketCap not only welcomes you into the global market stratosphere but is also equipped enough to get you started immediately. You can deposit and withdraw funds using any of the three methods available.

  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
  • Bank Wire Transfer
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While these are the most commonly used methods and should have you set to withdraw and deposit, there are also a number of traders that are used to e-commerce payment systems like PayPal, iDEAL etc. They might be at an inconvenience with this platform because as of yet no such methods of fund transfers are available.

The platform has an optimized withdrawal process that is highly regulated by the platform’s representatives to ensure that all market laws are upheld. TopMarketCap does not give any liberty when it comes to market regulations. Its anti-money laundering policy and KYC ensure that business relations are established on fair and professional grounds.

Learning Resources

Coming to the educational centre of TopMarketCap, you will find a list of four sections available for you. In my experience, I have realized that no matter how much you may know about trading, you still need help every now and then to brush up on your basics. TopMarketCap has taken into account the trading levels of its clients while organizing this display of resources.

The eBooks, for example, range from advanced categories to beginner levels and this is exactly what makes this library so diverse. I was able to read up about the content of these books through the synopsis that is enlisted. Next comes the FAQs, which are also my personal favourite. I find that it is much easier to grasp information when a certain problem is already addressed. For example, when I wanted to inquire about the time on the platform, I could access the section under the platform and find my related query. I feel like the platform could do more in this section as the questions are in limited numbers. Since this is such an effective method of learning, they can add more information here. The platform section under FAQs has only 6 questions for now; TopMarketCap can introduce an upgrade feature to add more questions every now and then.

Learning Resources

In the end, we get to explore the two lists, Glossary and Asset Index. The Glossary has a list of related terminologies that you will find it essential to know during your trading sessions. While the list is expansive, you can scroll through the alphabetical arrangement on top. I hoped they would introduce a search option as this will allow us to search a word based on our own requirement.

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The asset index offers traders details regarding the over 200 assets that TopMarketCap provides access to. These include the trade hours, expiry rule and international codes.

Client Care

TopMarketCap stays connected with all its clients through the support network. You can reach them through phone, live chat and email. Whichever method you may opt for, know that the service representatives will respond to you within the first few minutes itself. I found the live chat to be the most active method of communication as within a few seconds a service representative acquired about my query. I like that they have integrated this feature within the server’s domain as well so you can access it from about anywhere on the platform.

Client Care

Traders who find it difficult to type out their queries can opt for the phone support method. However, this support network is limited to only three countries which include The United Kingdom, Austria and Australia. So, if you are trying to reach from anywhere else, you will have to opt for either of the two other methods.

Take away

TopMarketCap offers traders institutional-grade trading conditions that make them want to stick around. So, whether they are veteran traders dealing with high volume trades or beginners who are just starting out, this platform makes sure to provide the necessary tools and conditions for all. It has an unparalleled support network that makes sure that all its clients are satisfied.

While there are certain discrepancies such as the uncharacteristic layout with a dark backdrop or the lack of upgrade of the education centre, the platform makes up for all that with its specialized tools and services. This is why this platform manages to get a reasonable rating for me. Its Self-Managed Account is good for a trial run, and it will allow you to come to terms with the trading conditions provided by the platform.

Either way, this platform has enormous scope for trade openings and you will be able to get the best of market deals from it. You can assess its network of operations to know if this is the one for you.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation. I cannot be responsible for any inconvenience that might occur trading/exchanging with this company.

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