How to Do Performance Testing for Mobile Applications?

Depending on the implementation form, users can work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 directly through their Internet browsers or install its modules as desktop or native mobile applications. Performance testing is essential for all of them as it helps to understand the behavior of the software and identify the possibilities for its improvement. Since D365 supports critical business processes, neglecting performance issues can have serious consequences.

This article will help you to prepare for performance testing in your company.

Define Objectives for Performance Testing

Performance of a mobile app can be understood as its ability to interact with users. In practice, it is evaluated through a number of criteria. While you can use all of them for your testing, you may also prioritize certain performance indicators.

Your objective for testing may be focused on measuring the response time to user requests, for instance, completing a transaction or the app throughput, which is a number of transactions finished within a certain period. Your testing can be a part of identifying the usability of the app as well.

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Another essential metrics is the utilization of such resources as memory, CPU and disk space. Analyzing scalability will give you an understanding of the capabilities of your application to cope with growing traffic and data usage. This in turn, also defines the reliability of the app. You can assess the way performance parameters change when the app is used on different devices or its compatibility, too.

At the same time, you can also focus on the security aspect of application’s performance.

Set Up Your Testing Environment

Your testing environment should include such necessary components as network conditions, device models, operating systems and testing tools.

Native mobile applications of Microsoft Dynamics 365 are available for both Android and iOS and testing their performance on these devices will differ. Testing Android applications can be particularly challenging due to a high diversity of system versions and hardware.

Your testing tool will define the success of the process a lot. Automation is highly recommended for performance testing since it is one of the most demanding testing types. One of the fastest and safest ways to start testing your Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications is to use a tool that is dedicated exactly to its ERP and CRM solutions. Executive Automats is one of the leading products that offers its users a possibility to simulate a particularly heavy load and benefit from its no-code design.

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Prepare Test Data and Develop Test cases

To choose test data and create test cases successfully, you should keep in mind the objectives of your testing. Your task is to select the data and create tests that will be as close to real-world scenarios as possible.

For example, you can simulate a situation when your application is used by an increasing number of users. You can raise the load gradually or rapidly to check how the app will behave under different conditions. These tests can be used as equivalents of such real-time situations as marketing campaigns.

Other examples are simulating poor network conditions, app performance under the battery saving mode or testing under different hardware and software configurations.

Execute Tests and Analyze Results

The tool you have chosen for your performance testing will also affect test execution. For instance, solutions with a high level of automation such as Executive Automats will allow you to schedule your performance tests to virtually any time of the day and week. You can run your tests at night or on weekend without human supervision.

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Executive Automats is also very convenient for reusing test cases and generating tests reports. The latter can be done automatically, too.

The results of your performance tests will help you to identify bottlenecks and see the possibilities to improve the performance. While there are certain limitations for configuration of Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can still enhance your hardware and software to make the most of the ERP and CRM suite.

When you successfully complete your first testing, plan further sessions. It is highly recommended to test Microsoft Dynamics 365 after any updates. The suite is modified regularly, so it is worth investing into an effective and convenient testing tool. On top of that, performance testing should be done after any customizations you may add within your company.

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