Help with C Homework: Meet GitHub and other Useful Websites for the Beginners

C programming language is one of the most common and most applied programming languages in the IT world. It has many advantages and strong sides. That is why students use C homework help, and visit IT courses. However, flexibility and portability, are not the only advantages of the C programming language.

There are many C communities, where beginners can find people to discuss some projects with. Besides, there are many useful websites, that will help you code with the C programming language.

C Programming Language and C Homework Help

C is a widespread programming language that is used in almost all fields of development. C is a low-level programming language with a long history. Firstly, it was created to improve UNIX in 1972. Then it started to become more and more popular thanks to its advantages like flexibility, simplicity, portability, and power. Nowadays, you can find the use of programming language everywhere. That is why you should not forget about your dream to become a programmer and order help with C homework, in case you are stuck at a certain level of C language learning.

The reason why you learn C programming language is to implement it in programming projects in the future. That is why you need to know reliable websites to look for the best projects.

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What is GitHub Website and Help with C Homework?

Sooner or later freshmen discover GitHub service. GitHub is based on Git, which is an online service for the version control system that is used during software development. Git is a system for managing and controlling versions. It is the most popular and free tool that stores the code and its change history. Using Git you can:

  • save code and history of changes
  •  save information about users who change the code ( if you work in a team)
  • roll back the code to any version
  • combine different versions, and change them
  • prepare the final version of the code to release it

GitHub is a popular programming website based on Git. Shortly, GitHub is a social network for developers, where they review each other’s codes, help in development, leave comments, etc. The GitHub website is used as a web service for future project hosting, as well as a social network for developers. 

Users can upload their works and publish them on GitHub. Each user creates their repository and publishes his or her coding works. GitHub is currently the most popular service among the alternatives. You can use GitHub for public projects for free. However, you should pay if you want to work in a closed environment.

After signing up at GitHub you can:

  • save the code
  • use tools for collaborative work
  • evaluate the work of other developers
  • create private and public repositories

GitHub is also used for storing and managing Git repositories. Using storing option you can, interact with repositories, manage access rights, track errors, and automate different processes.

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Why GitHub is a great service for beginners? Well, GitHub is a perfect place for students who want to store their projects done with C programming help. All beginners need to communicate with advanced developers, and GitHub gives them this possibility. Because GitHub contains a large community of developers who offer their vision for solving different types of problems and developing plugins or open-source projects. GitHub is a prototype of a social network, more specifically configured for the demanded code. Students can save the work of other developers in their history, and contact the developers. 

This way, GitHub is a perfect place for freshmen who need to exchange experience and work in a team.

What Projects are Best for the Beginner and C Programming Help?

There are projects of different complexity in the IT field. Programmers can work on projects in operational system development, web development, mobile application development, and others. However, there are lots of simple projects that can be done by freshmen.


Hangman is an easy and quite popular project among beginners. In this game, a random word appears and a gamer should guess it by letters. You will train with the usage of loops and the manipulation of strings. You will trail to understand the syntax. The coding process for making the hangman is user-friendly and easy.


There are almost no people who don’t know and haven’t played Pac-Man. Now, you have a chance to develop a Pacman game yourself. You will need on putting small dots on the trajectory of the maze. This project is good for training the ability to code for keys, downs, and lefts navigation. This project is quite easy and interesting, so hurry up to try it yourself.

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Snake Game

A good old snake game. We are sure you have tried it in your childhood, and now it’s your turn to create it with the C assignment help. During the work, you will face 4 user-defined functions: setup, drawing, input, and logic. You will not need to implement any graphics, because it is a solely console-based application. You will notice how your C coding skills enhance when you work on the snake game project.

What are the Advantages of Marking C Projects?

Working on different C projects for beginners you will hone different skills necessary for future more serious projects. Knowing how to work with different projects you will have a portfolio and proof of your skills. This way you will be a good candidate when applying for a programming job. Besides you can also work as a freelancer developer. The clients will choose you if you will have some portfolio to show. That’s where simple projects for beginners will come in handy.

Experience with smaller projects is a good base for big web development projects where C is usually applied. Moreover, you can always use help with C homework to start your first projects.

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